Sunday, February 25, 2007

Timely Blogs

Building upon what I have already expressed about the importance of a creative blog, I think that time is an important element to consider. Time is more important in some blogs, while not so much in others.

A blog needs to be consistent. If posts are only made once or twice a month for instance, the reader will likely loose interest. Beyond consistency, posts on blogs also need to be made timely on a smaller basis. For instance, if you are making a posting on Britney Spears shaving her head, it would need to be done close to when that story was breaking to make it worthwhile. Yes, someone could post on that story a couple months down the road, but it will take a completely different effect.

Along with the element of time, it is important to keep in mind who you are writing your blog for. Give it a personality that suits you (the writer) and the topics you’re writing on. For example, colors express different moods to some extent, so when choosing what color font to use, consider your topic. If you are writing a sad entry, black or blue may be appropriate, whereas if you’re topic is happy and joyful, yellow or orange would be appropriate.

1 comment:

AVP said...

Time is definatley an important issue. I don't bother with sites unless they update at least twice a week because then there is no sense of interactivity.

Personally, I used to update Live Journal almost every day, now it's like twice a week. And all my friends have responded in kind. I guess not that we're all in the flash dashy world of college there is just less free time. That and now we have Facebook to add to our life documentation. Sadly this method is much more temporal. Excetp for photos that is, that's why I'm such a big fan of them.

Just a comment on the colour thing. the site design would need to be awfully diverse for that to work. Bright happy colours only show up on darker backgrounds. And a lot of darker colours don't mesh well with lots of other colours. At least I don't think so. And black background with those brighter colours just seems so early-internet to me. I like that idea though. lol.