Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Plan

Ok. I guess I'll give our official list a stab.

1. Abandon the uselessness of Blogger.

2. Sign up for Live Journal.

3. Experience the most convenient way to have everyone's entries at our fingertips.

4. Post at least twice a week.

5. Every time you post leave at least two comments on someon's blog. A comment only needs to be a thoughtful paragraph or so.

6. Make sure you comment on each blog at least once throughout the semester.


1. I don't know how to best handle people who don't want to get an LJ account. I don't understand the RSS thing in full. I think you need to be a paid member to create a feed that isn't already listed on their syndication list.

Either way. It's better than feeling alone on Blogger.

And now that I've posted this, I'm going to go make some entries on my own class blog. And leave comments on other people's of course. lol.

1 comment:

Bridget Gallagher said...

I think that list looks great. I also don't really understand RSS feeds and am unexperienced with Live Journal. I do, however, trust the ease of it and hope that it works better than blogger. The list looks good to me though!