Thursday, February 15, 2007

Still confused

This is what threw me off before. We post a comment on D2L and then what am I blogging about here. The same thing. Isn't that redundantly redundant? Or we are starting a great group blog that will end up having depth and meaning. (a little voice in my head is screaming "what is the point of it all?") I run out of information to share. There is only so much going on in my mundane existence, school, homework, job, sleep. Not the makings of a great novel. I hate to think I lack imagination but I really have no idea what to write about. Perhaps if we choose a theme or topic for our blog my little Grey cells would be more active.
Well I am just rambling. Someone please kick me to get me started.


AVP said...

I just don't know. I'm still pretty sure that we're supposed to write something about the readings here. That does seem redundant... I think we're supposed to be like combing the blogosphere for interesting links or insights. Or whatever.

Sigh sigh sigh. I'm just gonna do what I've been doing.

Bridget Gallagher said...

Agreed.....totally confused. This is indeed redundant, but I also believe that we're supposed to be writing here on the readings. But my question.....have we abandoned the book? Because the assignment sheet just gave us links to look at and disregards the book. Another question……whatever happened to the comment/response groups because the assignment sheet also says that we’re supposed to comment AND respond. I sure don’t know!

I've been away from the computer a lot, but I am trying to post as often as I can--sorry:)

AVP said...

Really? We're supposed to comment and respond? I thought that that half of the assignment was broken down into subpoint a and subpoint b because group a was supposed to do a and group b was supposed to do b.

Cuz that's what I did. And here I thought I was actually on top of things the past two weeks.
