Friday, April 13, 2007

Letter 3

Posting the reflective letters here makes sense to me.
Dear A & B,
Another 4 weeks has sailed by. How can a semester go by so fast and seem to take so long at the same time? The paradox of time.
I have realized how easy it is to get sidetracked from blogging and struggle getting back to it. Not that I have been that consistent with it anyway, but since break I have floundered even more. The lesson I take from this is that maintaining a blog doesn't hold any interest for me. If I had readers leaving comments and an active dialog I would enjoy it more. That's the catch 22, in order to have an active dialog I need interested readers. To have interested readers I need to post regularly. To post regularly I need interested readers.
A strong topic is also essential to a good blog. I am most definitely lacking that. Outside interests and hobbies are very low priority at this point. The things I am interested in have active forums and websites. Starting another blog seems redundant. I am more interested in taking part in an ongoing, active dialog than trying to create one from whole cloth. Which sound like excuses not to blog but are valid to me. I will maintain a blog for this class and after that I don't see myself returning to it. I don't rule it out. If I get passionate about something that needs a voice then a blog is an option.
Another concern of mine is the employment angle. We have touched on this a little in class. At this point I don't know where I will be applying after graduation. How much do I need to worry about potential employers looking into my past? Let' s just say that my past is checkered enough without adding an outspoken blog. I hope and believe that anyplace I want to work won't do that kind of digging but the future is uncertain.
I will do some more work on the photshop handout this weekend. Try to flesh it out a little more. I still think 2 pages is enough but if more are needed I can add them.


1 comment:

AVP said...

Time is definitely an issue here. I understand because last night I had the epiphany that all my classes are suffering this semester because of my one GD class which takes all my energy, and I still always get a B+ in it. If not a B. Meanwhile all my other classes are getting the short end of the stick. I was thinking (with ire) about people who can do little work in a class and get an A. When I can't give it my all I generally get Bs. Curse those A-getters.

It is hard to keep a blog going. Sometimes. It's been so long since the last time I DIDN"T know what to write about. Or DIDN"T have the desire to do it. I always have it, just not when I have free time. The last time I was so on top of blogging that I didn't know what to say was, like, three years ago when I first got my LJ. I tried to limit the number of entries I made per day so I didn't look like an LJ whore.

Oh. Those were the days. Pre-college.

And it is hard to do something when you feel someone else is already doing it, and tons better than you ever could. Inferiority is awesome. Although I do think that each individual can bring something different to the table because of the nuances that construct their specific existence. You know. Stuff like that.