Sunday, February 25, 2007

Timely Blogs

Building upon what I have already expressed about the importance of a creative blog, I think that time is an important element to consider. Time is more important in some blogs, while not so much in others.

A blog needs to be consistent. If posts are only made once or twice a month for instance, the reader will likely loose interest. Beyond consistency, posts on blogs also need to be made timely on a smaller basis. For instance, if you are making a posting on Britney Spears shaving her head, it would need to be done close to when that story was breaking to make it worthwhile. Yes, someone could post on that story a couple months down the road, but it will take a completely different effect.

Along with the element of time, it is important to keep in mind who you are writing your blog for. Give it a personality that suits you (the writer) and the topics you’re writing on. For example, colors express different moods to some extent, so when choosing what color font to use, consider your topic. If you are writing a sad entry, black or blue may be appropriate, whereas if you’re topic is happy and joyful, yellow or orange would be appropriate.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Good Blogging

Should have posted this last week. Think I am finally on track with what I am posting and where.

A Good Blog Manifesto

1. First I believe that what constitutes a good blog is highly subjective and a matter of personal taste. I don’t expect or want everyone to like or agree with all of my choices. Diversity makes life interesting and sparks new ideas and debate.

2. The topic has to be interesting. Does anybody really want to read about Aunt Sophie’s precious little dachshund? Because blogging is easy and accessible to anyone with a computer doesn’t mean everyone should do it. Paint and brushes are also easily accessible that doesn’t make everyone who picks them up an artist. Do not create a blog just for the sake of having one. If you have an opinion or insight on a topic or issue please share. If little snookums got a new ribbon, spare us all and send the kids an email with the photos.

3. A good blog should be well written and free of spelling and grammatical errors. If you are taking the time to share your ideas and opinions with the world take the time to proof read. There will be plenty of people willing to disagree with you no matter what you write about. Having mistakes in your blog just gives your dissenters more evidence of your stupidity. Your blog is a reflection of you. Do you really want the world to believe you are an illiterate baboon?

4. Accuracy. Check your facts. If you make claims provide evidence and links to support you argument. Just because you believe something does not make it a fact. If you are sharing your technique on how to do something, bake a cake or build a computer, go through the procedure yourself and make sure it works.

5. Comments. Have commenting turned on. Part of what makes blogging worthwhile is feedback, corrections, and dissenting opinions from others.

This is of course subject to revision as the class progresses and I gain new ideas and insight.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Make a Quality Blog, or I Shall Be Disappointed All Over You.

Style is good, but substance is always the most important to me.

I like short and sweet, or long, but not really long.

The Bitch PhD blog is an example of a short and sweet style. I could never do such a thing because I'm a windbag.

I like long if there's a story inovlved. I don't respond to a string of facts so much as a story with lots of details. Facts are just so... schoolish. Whereas ture stories are conversational. For an example see the reply I posted on the d2l forum for week five.

Really long, though, is just tedious. Unless I'm REALLY interested in what's going on. Like I'd stick around for a really long entry on, say, Lost, Veronica Mars, or Heroes. Or maybe a comic book critique of a series I read. But when you get down to the umpteenth article on academic blogging being dangerous to your job or professional status they just all start looking long.

So, in summation, the best way to create an effective blog is to be amazing. And if that isn't a simple task I don't know what is.

(the previous statement reminds me of the time that our Graphic Design teacher suggested that we read THE (MOTHER F**KIN') FOUNTAINHEAD over winter break.


what makes a good blog?

According to the 5th week assignment sheet, we are supposed to be talking about what we think makes a good blog and what makes a good blog post.

What I find most important in good blogs and good blog posts seem to coincide a bit. I think it is very important for a blog to be visually pleasing. At the same time, a blog post should be visually pleasing as well. A blog should be organized well with a layout that suits the blogger. A post should have text broken up into small chunks.

I think it is very important for a blog post to have a good title. Quite often, I judge a blog by its title. If it sounds boring in the title, there is a good change that the blog itself is going to be dry and boring to read. A good blog post should please the blogger when done. If you are not happy with what you wrote, than what was the point?

A good blog is easy to navigate. A place to post comments is readily available. A good blog is not cluttered.
Everyone learns things differently and judges things according to their own beliefs. Since I am a visually learner and a visual person, I think that the look of a blog and a blog post is what is most important. Quite frankly, if it looks interesting and visually pleasing, I will take a second look at it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Still confused

This is what threw me off before. We post a comment on D2L and then what am I blogging about here. The same thing. Isn't that redundantly redundant? Or we are starting a great group blog that will end up having depth and meaning. (a little voice in my head is screaming "what is the point of it all?") I run out of information to share. There is only so much going on in my mundane existence, school, homework, job, sleep. Not the makings of a great novel. I hate to think I lack imagination but I really have no idea what to write about. Perhaps if we choose a theme or topic for our blog my little Grey cells would be more active.
Well I am just rambling. Someone please kick me to get me started.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Prove It

Sleep is coming for me like the Rapture. Or at least I hope so.

In the mean time I wanted to post my favourite quote from the readings for the week (so far):

The ability to orient oneself in that sort of free-for-all requires a kind of discursive finesse that probably cannot be certified (let alone quantified). For that matter, there is no particular reason to equate success in this endeavor with reaching a vast audience.

From this reading.

It's kind of like how you can be a real brainiac when it comes to dinosaurs, but if you get stuck on the island from Jurassic Park and you can't use that knowledge to stay alive then what good is it? You need knowledge and field aptitude.

Change Is Good

Before (hopefully) getting all blogtacular on this weeks readings, I'd just like to note to you two that I did in fact change the link on our big class blog to my livejournal. So if you check in on me it should be there.

That's all.

Monday, February 12, 2007


All members will post about topic by Fri evening and respond with a comment by Sun.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Plan

Ok. I guess I'll give our official list a stab.

1. Abandon the uselessness of Blogger.

2. Sign up for Live Journal.

3. Experience the most convenient way to have everyone's entries at our fingertips.

4. Post at least twice a week.

5. Every time you post leave at least two comments on someon's blog. A comment only needs to be a thoughtful paragraph or so.

6. Make sure you comment on each blog at least once throughout the semester.


1. I don't know how to best handle people who don't want to get an LJ account. I don't understand the RSS thing in full. I think you need to be a paid member to create a feed that isn't already listed on their syndication list.

Either way. It's better than feeling alone on Blogger.

And now that I've posted this, I'm going to go make some entries on my own class blog. And leave comments on other people's of course. lol.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

starting ideas

These are the ideas I noted during our discussion yesterday.

We need a plan and schedule.

Use of live journal

Ability to see number of views as well as comments

Read and acknowledge each persons blog,

write at least a thoughtful paragraph

Each time you post to your blog you should respond to 2 other blogs

Through the course of the semester you should respond to each person at least once